Friday, May 16, 2008


Just ate a garlic bread pizza, it was decent. Listening to Bedlight for Blue Eyes, the band that makes me crave sunshine and wind.

I've been thinking lately, of possibilities that may be quite endless.

The pursuit for phenomenal achievement and greatness, is almost obsolete. Perhaps the lives we lead aren't illusions, or politics gone wrong, but maybe this is life.

Trade, commerce, economy, structure, order, money, and power. Maybe there is nothing more to life than these sole keys of existence. After straining my brain for endless hours to find the answer, the view of possibility is diminishing...slowly but surely.

The sadness of the matter is, life shouldn't be like this.

Life is capitalism right now. Even without the idea of money, we're competitive, to be the richest, smartest, happiest, strongest, and fastest.

All of these aspects of human kind are learned after birth, conditions set in your mind. Walls in your vision that block incoming thought, thought that questions and argues with the institution of life.

If existence is the bottom layer, and 'up' builds the pyramid of advancement; industrialism, technology, art, morals, values, ethics, and standards, then those are only conditions that are man-made and illusory.

They are fictitious bars that we've set for ourselves and for others, hoops that we must jump through. For what exactly are we jumping for?

The worthless paper that runs the world, simply because your life has no value unless you have green paper to back you up. This is what we've become?

Happiness is a blissful ignorance, a simple state of mind, achieved through the idea that all has been gained and life has been fulfilled. This is an easy task, in comparison to true peace and liberation. It's easy to sell your soul to a system of shifts and gears, to "work hard", get paid and buy useless shit that makes you feel content about yourself and your situation.

A perfect example of how happiness is, they say that mentally handicapped children and adults are the happiest people around. Why is that exactly?
Blissful ignorance. They aren't able to understand the flaws and misery that revolves around them, so they're completely content and exuberant.

Anyone could obtain such a state of mind if they were to throw their blinders on and stay on the straight path, no matter where it may lead.

But I've got my blinders down, and I know that many other people are in the same boat.

We feel helpless, trapped, and most of all, dehumanized.

Should we live lives that force us to submit to a modern-day slavery system?

If you don't believe what I'm saying, then think of it this way.

Spending 1/3 of your waking life, working in a factory or restaurant, for money that has 0 value. Only the symbolic material, of ritualistic trade. You sell your life, the waking moments that you will inevitably run out of. You sell them for false promises and plastic.

Do you want to look back on your life and realize that everything that you worked for was completely and utterly worthless?

This leads me to another point...the realization is growing broad, but then we face another problem; fear and laziness.

While fear and laziness are two different human feelings, they go hand-in-hand quite well. Fear can often perpetuate laziness and vice-versa. A person will avoid many fulfilling events in their life, for the simple reason that they're afraid of a consequence or a ridicule of some kind.

And eventually, after using this method of escapism for so many years, it becomes habitual. For simple things, such as social interaction, public speaking, voicing opinions and realisms that might possibly positively effect another.

These two feelings, fear and laziness, will constipate the human mind and the human spirit. They will drain the soul and lead you to abandon yourself, in all of the contact that requires anything 'human'.

Nothing can be obtained without risk and consequence, but the walls of our mind must be shattered. You are real. You are real.

You are real.

You are not a toy nor a soldier, not a businessman or a salesman. You are a human being.

Don't fool yourself, fight for something with substance.

Fight for individuality, the human spirit, for yourself.

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